With pref gfx.direct3d11.reuse-decoder-device = false, each hardware video decoder uses its own D3D11Device. It should not directly cause the problem like Comment 41. If the problem happened by the pref change, it might be caused by too may GPU memory usage.
Bug 1847453 Comment 43 Edit History
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With pref gfx.direct3d11.reuse-decoder-device = false, each hardware video decoder uses its own D3D11Device. It should not directly cause the problem like Comment 41. If the problem happened by the pref change, it might be caused by too much GPU memory usage.
With pref gfx.direct3d11.reuse-decoder-device = false, each hardware video decoder uses its own D3D11Device. It should not directly cause the problem like Comment 41. If the problem happened by the pref change, it might be caused by too much GPU memory usage. The driver might cause memory leak when hardware video decoder(DXVA2.0 with WMF) is used.