We in the WebGPU team like to re-vendor `wgpu` frequently. we need a tight feedback loop with `wgpu` changes, so we can fix problems while it's still fresh in human minds. It's also easier for a human to tackle small chunks of updates, rather than larger, less frequent ones. This bug tracks known points at which we re-vendor `wgpu`.
Bug 1851881 Comment 0 Edit History
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We in the WebGPU team like to re-vendor `wgpu` frequently. we need a tight feedback loop with `wgpu` changes, so we can fix problems while it's still fresh in human minds. It's also easier for a human to tackle small chunks of updates, rather than larger, less frequent ones. This bug tracks known points at which we re-vendor `wgpu`. The assignee should be considered the current point of contact for the next WGPU update. In general, one WGPU update as a `Depends on` bug will be in-flight at a time.
This bug tracks known points at which we re-vendor `wgpu`. The assignee should be considered the current point of contact for the next WGPU update. In general, one WGPU update as a `Depends on` bug will be in-flight at a time. If you're assigned to this bug, congratulations! You're going to give Firefox's implementation of WebGPU more developmental lifeblood. Follow the process in this document for your next iteration of re-vendoring.
This bug tracks known points at which we re-vendor `wgpu`. The assignee should be considered the current point of contact for the next WGPU update. In general, one WGPU update as a `Depends on` bug will be in-flight at a time. If you're assigned to this bug, congratulations! You're going to give Firefox's implementation of WebGPU more developmental lifeblood. Follow [this section in the WebGPU team's process document](https://hackmd.io/@gfx-firefox/mozilla-wgpu-process#Re-vendoring-wgpu-into-mozilla-central) for your next iteration of re-vendoring.
This bug tracks known points at which we re-vendor `wgpu`. The assignee should be considered the current point of contact for the next WGPU update. In general, one WGPU update as a `Depends on` bug will be in-flight at a time. If you're assigned to this bug, congratulations! You're going to give Firefox's implementation of WebGPU more developmental lifeblood. Follow [this section in the WebGPU team's process document](https://hackmd.io/Prle48ZNRzKdDqNq4tnE8w#Re-vendoring-WGPU-into-mozilla-central) for your next iteration of re-vendoring.