Bug 1856637 Comment 4 Edit History

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According to [the MSDN document](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/win32/api/msctf/nf-msctf-itfthreadmgr-activate), it can be called later. In my understanding, it was intended that it's called as far as possible in the widget module. However, I'm not sure which method can be the root caller of `IMEHandler::Initialize()`. And we should collect feedback from the testers for a while because there are a lot of 3rd party IMEs especially for Simplified Chinese and they **might** have some trouble with the later initialization.
According to [the MSDN document](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/win32/api/msctf/nf-msctf-itfthreadmgr-activate), it can be called later. In my understanding, it was intended that it's called as far as earlier in the widget module. However, I'm not sure which method can be the root caller of `IMEHandler::Initialize()`. And we should collect feedback from the testers for a while because there are a lot of 3rd party IMEs especially for Simplified Chinese and they **might** have some trouble with the later initialization.

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