Bug 1856714 Comment 0 Edit History

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Focus indication for Settings V and other disclosures (How we determine... V incl.) is not as expected - both the placement of the outline and the color:

    it's ButtonText and outlines the whole row, while it's expected to add CanvasText outline to the chevron only since this is the element styled as a control in HCM - refer to the Acorns > Buttons > States > (HCM), State = [Focus examples](https://acorn.firefox.com/latest/components/button/overview-udQAPeGf#search-445e4a50-8710-11ed-a82e-d98b0c93ddfd)
    Or the entire Settings V control could be made look like a dropdown button - refer to the [HCM Components reference](https://www.figma.com/file/VHRA9hZ54oJqKKJwPd6FWa/HCM-Components?type=design&node-id=51-3384&mode=design&t=dLBD9xZL3StV2alR-4) in Figma (NDA'ed link) for an example.
Focus indication for Settings V and other disclosures (How we determine... V incl.) is not as expected - both the placement of the outline and the color:

- it's ButtonText and outlines the whole row, while it's expected to add CanvasText outline to the chevron only since this is the element styled as a control in HCM - refer to the Acorns > Buttons > States > (HCM), State = [Focus examples](https://acorn.firefox.com/latest/components/button/overview-udQAPeGf#search-445e4a50-8710-11ed-a82e-d98b0c93ddfd)
- Or the entire Settings V control could be made look like a dropdown button - refer to the [HCM Components reference](https://www.figma.com/file/VHRA9hZ54oJqKKJwPd6FWa/HCM-Components?type=design&node-id=51-3384&mode=design&t=dLBD9xZL3StV2alR-4) in Figma (NDA'ed link) for an example.

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