**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) * 119.0b8 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11x64 **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true * Nvda enabled **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following [Amazon product](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087FGS167/ref=sbl_dpx_office-desks_B08KXL2KNG_0). 2. Hover over the Review rating letter from the `More to consider card`. **Expected result** * The review rating letter is read as long with `Reliable reviews text` like on the `How reliable are these reviews` card. **Actual result** * Only the review rating letter is read (in this case a) **Regression** * Not applicable. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot.
Bug 1858877 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) * 119.0b8 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11x64 **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true * Nvda enabled **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following [Amazon product](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087FGS167/ref=sbl_dpx_office-desks_B08KXL2KNG_0). 2. Hover over the Review rating letter from the `More to consider card`. **Expected result** * The review rating letter is read as long with `Reliable reviews` text like on the `How reliable are these reviews` card. **Actual result** * Only the review rating letter is read (in this case a) **Regression** * Not applicable. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot.
**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) * 119.0b8 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11x64 **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true * Nvda enabled **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following [Amazon product](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087FGS167/ref=sbl_dpx_office-desks_B08KXL2KNG_0). 2. Hover over the Review rating letter from the `More to consider` card. **Expected result** * The review rating letter is read as long with `Reliable reviews` text like on the `How reliable are these reviews` card. **Actual result** * Only the review rating letter is read (in this case a) **Regression** * Not applicable. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot.
**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) * 119.0b8 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11x64 **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true * Nvda enabled **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following [Amazon product](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087FGS167/ref=sbl_dpx_office-desks_B08KXL2KNG_0). 2. Hover over the Review rating letter from the `More to consider` card. **Expected result** * The review rating letter is read as long with `Reliable reviews` text like on the `How reliable are these reviews` card. **Actual result** * Only the review rating letter is read (in this case a) **Regression** * Not applicable. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot. * Voice over reads `A realible reviews` on macOS 11.
**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) * 119.0b8 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11x64 **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true * Nvda enabled **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open the following [Amazon product](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087FGS167/ref=sbl_dpx_office-desks_B08KXL2KNG_0). 2. Hover over the Review rating letter from the `More to consider` card. **Expected result** * The review rating letter is read as long with `Reliable reviews` text like on the `How reliable are these reviews` card. **Actual result** * Only the review rating letter is read (in this case a) **Regression** * Not applicable. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot. * VoiceOver reads the letter grade and `realible reviews` on macOS 11 for the `More to consider` card. For ex: `A reliable reviews`.