As mentioned in bug 1859654, we're already implementing autodiscover in JS in the account creation dialog. Creating it in Rust would create significant overhead for the communication between the JS and Rust layers. * It would take a lot of engineering time * add significant complexity to the code, and * would likely also be slower, because of the context changes, transmission between the layers, and * speed is network-bound anyway. I don't think this is a good idea.
Bug 1859656 Comment 1 Edit History
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As mentioned in bug 1859654, we're already implementing autodiscover in JS in the account creation dialog. Creating it in Rust would create significant overhead for the communication between the JS and Rust layers. * It would take a lot of engineering time * add significant complexity to the code, and * would likely also be slower, because of the context changes, transmission between the layers, and * speed is network-bound anyway. I don't think this is a good idea. If you're lacking functionality or information, you could extend the existing implementation by the bits that you lack, instead of re-writing everything.
As mentioned in bug 1859654, we're already implementing autodiscover in JS in the account creation dialog. Creating it in Rust would create significant overhead for the communication between the JS and Rust layers. * It would take a lot of engineering time * add significant complexity to the code, and * would likely also be slower, because of the context changes, transmission between the layers, and * speed is network-bound anyway. I don't think this is a good idea. If you're lacking functionality or information, you could extend the existing implementation by the bits that you lack, instead of re-writing everything.
As mentioned in bug 1859654, we're already implementing autodiscover in JS in the account creation dialog. Creating it in Rust would create significant overhead for the communication between the JS and Rust layers. * It would add significant complexity to the code, * take engineering time, * would likely also be slower, because of the context changes, transmission between the layers, and * speed is network-bound anyway. I don't think this is a good idea. If you're lacking functionality or information, you could extend the existing implementation by the bits that you lack, instead of re-writing everything.
As mentioned in bug 1859654, we're already implementing autodiscover in JS in the account creation dialog. Creating it in Rust would create significant overhead for the communication between the JS and Rust layers. * It would add significant complexity to the code, * take engineering time, * would likely also be slower, because of the context changes, transmission between the layers, and * speed is network-bound anyway. If you're lacking functionality or information, you could extend the existing implementation by the bits that you lack, instead of re-writing everything.