Bug 1860153 Comment 9 Edit History

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I just hit this locally, FWIW: bp-b8bda7eb-934b-4315-8c97-a30f80231127

In my case, I had just clicked `measure` on about:memory. Firefox stopped responding to user input while we were gathering the memory report, and the Gnome "application not responding, kill or wait?" popup-dialog appeared. I clicked "Wait" on a few of them (it comes back after a few seconds), and then I just left it alone with a dialog up to let Firefox finish its memory-report business unperturbed. After a minute or so, Firefox suddenly crashed with this signature.
I just hit this locally, FWIW: bp-b8bda7eb-934b-4315-8c97-a30f80231127 (on relatively "stock" Ubuntu 22.04, with Gnome).

In my case, I had just clicked `measure` on about:memory. Firefox stopped responding to user input while we were gathering the memory report, and the Gnome "application not responding, kill or wait?" popup-dialog appeared. I clicked "Wait" on a few of them (it comes back after a few seconds), and then I just left it alone with a dialog up to let Firefox finish its memory-report business unperturbed. After a minute or so, Firefox suddenly crashed with this signature.

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