Bug 1860548 Comment 9 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Release Note Request
[Why is this notable]: Enables the URL Paste Suggestion feature by default in Nightly.
[Affects Firefox for Android]: No, this change only affects the Nightly Desktop version.
[Suggested wording]: The URL Paste Suggestion feature is now enabled by default in the Nightly version of Firefox. This enhancement provides suggested URLs when pasting links, improving user convenience and efficiency.
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: Engineering Proposal - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nq6H-WUAZS-4ilF3tSKR5DxdaOnSbSiHsmoSCh2k-fI/edit?usp=sharing
Engineering Notes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wJNqXtc8_UkK8TGmBdVMSFdCV1jQBggZUVV5BGF6vc/edit?usp=sharing
Figma Design - https://www.figma.com/file/yRxVvzTnrdBdcS09kMmpi0/Paste-from-clipboard?type=design&node-id=36%3A6062&mode=design&t=EtocZd5lepw86RyF-1
Release Note Request
[Why is this notable]: Enables the URL Paste Suggestion feature by default in Nightly.
[Affects Firefox for Android]: No, this change only affects the Nightly Desktop version.
[Suggested wording]: The URL Paste Suggestion feature is now enabled by default in the Nightly version of Firefox. This enhancement provides a convenient way for users to quickly use URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of desktop Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL, and the user focuses the URL bar, an autocomplete result appears automatically.
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: Engineering Proposal - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nq6H-WUAZS-4ilF3tSKR5DxdaOnSbSiHsmoSCh2k-fI/edit?usp=sharing
Engineering Notes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wJNqXtc8_UkK8TGmBdVMSFdCV1jQBggZUVV5BGF6vc/edit?usp=sharing
Figma Design - https://www.figma.com/file/yRxVvzTnrdBdcS09kMmpi0/Paste-from-clipboard?type=design&node-id=36%3A6062&mode=design&t=EtocZd5lepw86RyF-1
Release Note Request
[Why is this notable]: Enables the URL Paste Suggestion feature by default in Nightly.
[Affects Firefox for Android]: No, this change only affects the Nightly Desktop version.
[Suggested wording]: The URL Paste Suggestion feature is now enabled by default in the Nightly version of Firefox. This enhancement provides a convenient way for users to quickly use URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of desktop Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL, and the user focuses the URL bar, an autocomplete result appears automatically. Activating the clipboard suggestion will navigate the user to the URL with 1 click
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: Engineering Proposal - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nq6H-WUAZS-4ilF3tSKR5DxdaOnSbSiHsmoSCh2k-fI/edit?usp=sharing
Engineering Notes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wJNqXtc8_UkK8TGmBdVMSFdCV1jQBggZUVV5BGF6vc/edit?usp=sharing
Figma Design - https://www.figma.com/file/yRxVvzTnrdBdcS09kMmpi0/Paste-from-clipboard?type=design&node-id=36%3A6062&mode=design&t=EtocZd5lepw86RyF-1
Release Note Request
[Why is this notable]: Enables the URL Paste Suggestion feature by default in Nightly.
[Affects Firefox for Android]: No, this change only affects the Nightly Desktop version.
[Suggested wording]: The URL Paste Suggestion feature is now enabled by default in the Nightly version of Firefox. This enhancement provides a convenient way for users to quickly use URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of desktop Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL, and the user focuses the URL bar, an autocomplete result appears automatically. Activating the clipboard suggestion will navigate the user to the URL with 1 click.
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: Engineering Proposal - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nq6H-WUAZS-4ilF3tSKR5DxdaOnSbSiHsmoSCh2k-fI/edit?usp=sharing
Engineering Notes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wJNqXtc8_UkK8TGmBdVMSFdCV1jQBggZUVV5BGF6vc/edit?usp=sharing
Figma Design - https://www.figma.com/file/yRxVvzTnrdBdcS09kMmpi0/Paste-from-clipboard?type=design&node-id=36%3A6062&mode=design&t=EtocZd5lepw86RyF-1
Release Note Request
[Why is this notable]: Enables the URL Paste Suggestion feature by default in Nightly.
[Affects Firefox for Android]: No, this change only affects the Nightly Desktop version.
[Suggested wording]: The URL Paste Suggestion feature is now enabled by default in the Nightly version of Firefox. This enhancement provides a convenient way for users to quickly visit URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of desktop Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL, and the user focuses the URL bar, an autocomplete result appears automatically. Activating the clipboard suggestion will navigate the user to the URL with 1 click.
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: Engineering Proposal - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nq6H-WUAZS-4ilF3tSKR5DxdaOnSbSiHsmoSCh2k-fI/edit?usp=sharing
Engineering Notes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wJNqXtc8_UkK8TGmBdVMSFdCV1jQBggZUVV5BGF6vc/edit?usp=sharing
Figma Design - https://www.figma.com/file/yRxVvzTnrdBdcS09kMmpi0/Paste-from-clipboard?type=design&node-id=36%3A6062&mode=design&t=EtocZd5lepw86RyF-1

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