(In reply to chris valaas [:cvalaas] from comment #12) > If you provide a Dockerfile in the repo then github actions can build and deploy it I packaged the script up in a docker image: https://github.com/mozilla-releng/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager#docker
Bug 1860752 Comment 20 Edit History
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(In reply to chris valaas [:cvalaas] from comment #12) > If you provide a Dockerfile in the repo then github actions can build and deploy it I packaged built the script as in a docker image and deployed it. https://github.com/mozilla-releng/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager#docker
(In reply to chris valaas [:cvalaas] from comment #12) > If you provide a Dockerfile in the repo then github actions can build and deploy it I packaged built the script as in a docker image and deployed it. https://github.com/mozilla-releng/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager#docker https://hub.docker.com/r/mozillareleases/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager/tags
(In reply to chris valaas [:cvalaas] from comment #12) > If you provide a Dockerfile in the repo then github actions can build and deploy it I packaged the script into a docker image and deployed it. https://github.com/mozilla-releng/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager#docker https://hub.docker.com/r/mozillareleases/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager/tags