Bug 1865073 Comment 27 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Can you provide a bit more info?

In TB "Server Settings", what delete mode or you using, i.e., on delete "move to trash" or "just mark deleted" or "delete immediately"?
What is your imap server type, e.g., fastmail, dovecot, gmail etc?
Are you observing this with a single computer or, as the original reporter Dave, on a 2nd computer running thunderbird?

Note: If you are using gmail (as indicated by your address), you can change the default behavior at the gmail site to not auto-expunge when a message is just marked deleted.
Edit: -- Sorry, ignore this response to a  spammer --

Can you provide a bit more info?

In TB "Server Settings", what delete mode or you using, i.e., on delete "move to trash" or "just mark deleted" or "delete immediately"?
What is your imap server type, e.g., fastmail, dovecot, gmail etc?
Are you observing this with a single computer or, as the original reporter Dave, on a 2nd computer running thunderbird?

Note: If you are using gmail (as indicated by your address), you can change the default behavior at the gmail site to not auto-expunge when a message is just marked deleted.

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