Bug 1866271 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

**Found in**
* 121.0b2

**Affected versions**

*122.0a1 (2023-11-23)
* 120.0b2

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 10, Windows 11
* Unaffected platforms:  macOS 12, Ubuntu 22

* browser.mailto.dualPrompt:true
* browser.mailto.prompt.os: true
* browser.mailto.prompt.os: true
* new profile
* Firefox not set as default OS mailto application

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Open https://get.wireme.de/mailto-test.html and log in.
2. Observe the Set as default button.

**Expected result** 
* The `Set as default` button has a blue background as in [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/MTox8iIdh1xxJ5SfnpsczZ/MailTo-Handling?type=design&node-id=34-15020&mode=design&t=HRSj9wSxFShODNvx-0).
**Actual result**
* The `Set as default` button is not displayed as in [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/MTox8iIdh1xxJ5SfnpsczZ/MailTo-Handling?type=design&node-id=34-15020&mode=design&t=HRSj9wSxFShODNvx-0).

* N/A, new feature.

**Additional notes**
* Attached a screen shot.
* Also, a blue information icon "i" is present on the prompts in the current Nightly and Beta and in Figma, it is not.
**Found in**
* 121.0b2

**Affected versions**

*122.0a1 (2023-11-23)
* 120.0b2

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 10, Windows 11
* Unaffected platforms:  macOS 12, Ubuntu 22

* browser.mailto.dualPrompt:true
* browser.mailto.prompt.os: true
* browser.mailto.prompt.os: true
* new profile
* Firefox not set as default OS mailto application

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Open https://get.wireme.de/mailto-test.html and log in.
2. Observe the Set as default button.

**Expected result** 
* The `Set as default` button has a blue background as in [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/MTox8iIdh1xxJ5SfnpsczZ/MailTo-Handling?type=design&node-id=34-15020&mode=design&t=HRSj9wSxFShODNvx-0).
**Actual result**
* The `Set as default` button is not displayed as in [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/MTox8iIdh1xxJ5SfnpsczZ/MailTo-Handling?type=design&node-id=34-15020&mode=design&t=HRSj9wSxFShODNvx-0).

* N/A, new feature.

**Additional notes**
* Attached a screen shot.
* Also, a blue information icon "i" is present on the prompts in the current Nightly and Beta and in Figma, it is not.
* The missing background color button can also be seen with Hight Contrast.
**Found in**
* 121.0b2

**Affected versions**

*122.0a1 (2023-11-23)
* 120.0b2

**Tested platforms**
* Affected platforms: Windows 10, Windows 11
* Unaffected platforms:  macOS 12, Ubuntu 22

* browser.mailto.dualPrompt:true
* browser.mailto.prompt.os: true
* browser.mailto.prompt.os: true
* new profile
* Firefox not set as default OS mailto application

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Open https://get.wireme.de/mailto-test.html and click the button.
2. Observe the Set as default button.

**Expected result** 
* The `Set as default` button has a blue background as in [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/MTox8iIdh1xxJ5SfnpsczZ/MailTo-Handling?type=design&node-id=34-15020&mode=design&t=HRSj9wSxFShODNvx-0).
**Actual result**
* The `Set as default` button is not displayed as in [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/MTox8iIdh1xxJ5SfnpsczZ/MailTo-Handling?type=design&node-id=34-15020&mode=design&t=HRSj9wSxFShODNvx-0).

* N/A, new feature.

**Additional notes**
* Attached a screen shot.
* Also, a blue information icon "i" is present on the prompts in the current Nightly and Beta and in Figma, it is not.
* The missing background color button can also be seen with Hight Contrast.

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