Hey :agibson. Thanks a lot for providing perspective here. The [current state of click events](https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock/blob/0eb294b0efb12d0b08901ab3b35475c6f1d47ed9/glean/metrics.yaml#L195-L207) in bedrock (as per the document I shared) gave me an impression that there is no need for capturing urls as part of the event context. May be I missed something there? or is it something that bedrock intends to do going further?
Bug 1867294 Comment 10 Edit History
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Hey :agibson. Thanks a lot for providing perspective here. The [current state of click events](https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock/blob/0eb294b0efb12d0b08901ab3b35475c6f1d47ed9/glean/metrics.yaml#L195-L207) in bedrock (as per the document I shared) gave me an impression that there is no need for capturing urls as part of the event context. May be I missed something there? or is it something that is intended to be done for bedrock going further?
Hey :agibson. Thanks a lot for providing perspective here. The [current state of click events](https://github.com/mozilla/bedrock/blob/0eb294b0efb12d0b08901ab3b35475c6f1d47ed9/glean/metrics.yaml#L195-L207) in bedrock (as per the document I shared) gave me an impression that there is no need for capturing urls as part of the event context. May be I missed something there? or is it something that is intended to be done for bedrock in future?