**Found in** * 122.0a1 (2023-12-13) **Affected versions** * 122.0a1 (2023-12-13) **Affected platforms** * Windows 10 * macOS 11 **Preconditions** - Install Firefox en-US/ en-CA build - browser.search.region = US/CA - extensions.formautofill.addresses.capture.v2.enabled = true - extensions.formautofill.addresses.supported = on **Steps to reproduce** 1. Access https://luke-chang.github.io/autofill-demo/autocomplete-us-separate-fields.html? 2. Fill in all the form fields and click Submit 3. Click on the ellipses "..." from the upper right corner of the doorhanger. 4. Select the "Learn more" option. **Expected result** * The user should be redirected to the: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/automatically-fill-your-address-web-forms page **Actual result** * The user is redirected to a "Page not found" link: https://support.mozilla.org/1/firefox/122.0a1/WINNT/en-US/automatically-fill-your-address-web-forms **Regression range** * N/A
Bug 1869808 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 122.0a1 (2023-12-13) **Affected versions** * 122.0a1 (2023-12-13) **Affected platforms** * Windows 10 * macOS 11 **Preconditions** - Install Firefox en-US/ en-CA build - browser.search.region = US/CA - extensions.formautofill.addresses.capture.v2.enabled = true - extensions.formautofill.addresses.supported = on **Steps to reproduce** 1. Access https://luke-chang.github.io/autofill-demo/autocomplete-us-separate-fields.html 2. Fill in all the form fields and click Submit 3. Click on the ellipses "..." from the upper right corner of the doorhanger. 4. Select the "Learn more" option. **Expected result** * The user should be redirected to the: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/automatically-fill-your-address-web-forms page **Actual result** * The user is redirected to a "Page not found" link: https://support.mozilla.org/1/firefox/122.0a1/WINNT/en-US/automatically-fill-your-address-web-forms **Regression range** * N/A