Bug 1872607 Comment 3 Edit History

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There appear to be several enhancement suggestions in this report. I am not very confident in my understanding of them.
Alan, Could you help us clear this up? 

I understand that there are several issues when setting the star (*) character at the beginning of a bookmark's name and also when setting the star (*) character at the end of a bookmark's name. Could you please explain which exact behavior you consider to be faulty?

I would like to explain a feature: If a user types the star character and a space character in the address bar ("* "), he will force the browser to search through the bookmarks only. This means that typing a star character and a space character will cause the address bar to show ALL your bookmarks as suggestions. If then, he also adds another star character ("*"), after the newly displayed "Bookmarks x", the address bar will suggest all bookmarks that contain the star (*) character.

In your described case, typing the star character, then space, and then ybs ("* ybs") will cause the browser to search for all bookmarks that contain the string "ybs". By this logic, you should have a bookmark with the name "Welcome to Yorkshire Building Society | YBS -- ybs.co.uk". (no star character in the name) **Can you make sure that you don't have a bookmark of the same website, but saved without the star character?**

Regarding case 2, what bookmark name would you be searching with the keyword "4 * 4" or "4 4 *"? Thanks!
There appear to be several enhancement suggestions in this report. I am not very confident in my understanding of them.
Alan, Could you help us clear this up? 

I understand that there are several issues when setting the star (*) character at the beginning of a bookmark's name and also when setting the star (*) character at the end of a bookmark's name. Could you please explain which exact behavior you consider to be faulty?

I would like to explain a feature: If a user types the star character and a space character in the address bar ("* "), he will force the browser to search through the bookmarks only. This means that typing a star character and a space character will cause the address bar to show ALL your bookmarks as suggestions. If then, he also adds another star character, after the newly displayed "Bookmarks x", the address bar will suggest all bookmarks that contain the star character.

In your described case, typing the star character, then space, and then ybs ("* ybs") will cause the browser to search for all bookmarks that contain the string "ybs". By this logic, you should have a bookmark with the name "Welcome to Yorkshire Building Society | YBS -- ybs.co.uk". (no star character in the name) **Can you make sure that you don't have a bookmark of the same website, but saved without the star character?**

Regarding case 2, what bookmark name would you be searching with the keyword "4 * 4" or "4 4 *"? Thanks!

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