Bug 1873053 Comment 2 Edit History

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@jsherk: Thanks for your report. 

> Expected results:
> There should be a visual indicator showing that it is still searching.

This idea will be implemented in bug 1874419.
Please comment there if anything important from your bug report is not covered. Thank you.

I did not fully understand this part of your report:

> Actual results:
> […] clicking on any one of the messages causes that message to change to another message.
> Expected results:
> Clicking on any one of the messages should display that particular message with the search terms in it.

By *"causes that message to change to another message"*, do you mean the preview pane does display a different message than the one selected and highlighted in the message list? (This would be a bug.) Or do you mean that while the search is ongoing, found messages are added to the message list in real time? (I'd consider this expected behaviour. What would you suggest instead?)
Or do you mean something else entirely?
If it's directly related to bug 1874419, please mention it there, so that it will be taken into consideration when fixing that bug. Thank you.
@jsherk: Thanks for your report. 

> Expected results:
> There should be a visual indicator showing that it is still searching.

This idea will be implemented in bug 1874419.
Please comment there if anything important from your bug report is not covered. Thank you.

I did not fully understand this part of your report:

> Actual results:
> […] clicking on any one of the messages causes that message to change to another message.
> Expected results:
> Clicking on any one of the messages should display that particular message with the search terms in it.

I tried and couldn't see anything unusual. By *"causes that message to change to another message"*, do you mean the preview pane does display a different message than the one selected and highlighted in the message list? (This would be a bug.) Or do you mean that while the search is ongoing, found messages are added to the message list in real time? (I'd consider this expected behaviour. What would you suggest instead?)
Or do you mean something else entirely?
If it's directly related to bug 1874419, please mention it there, so that it will be taken into consideration when fixing that bug. Thank you.
@jsherk: Thanks for your report. 

> Expected results:
> There should be a visual indicator showing that it is still searching.

This feature will be implemented in bug 1874419.
Please comment there if anything important from your bug report is not covered. Thank you.

I did not fully understand this part of your report:

> Actual results:
> […] clicking on any one of the messages causes that message to change to another message.
> Expected results:
> Clicking on any one of the messages should display that particular message with the search terms in it.

I tried and couldn't see anything unusual. By *"causes that message to change to another message"*, do you mean the preview pane does display a different message than the one selected and highlighted in the message list? (This would be a bug.) Or do you mean that while the search is ongoing, found messages are added to the message list in real time? (I'd consider this expected behaviour. What would you suggest instead?)
Or do you mean something else entirely?
If it's directly related to bug 1874419, please mention it there, so that it will be taken into consideration when fixing that bug. Thank you.

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