User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0 Steps to reproduce: 1. Have Firefox Installed, Window 121.0 2. Be configured to check for updates but don't install them: 3. Wait for update notification 4. Don't install, always click dismiss on the constant annoying reminder (that should only ever pop up once per update) 5. Find firefox installs anyway and breaks: Actual results: Firefox ignores settings and does whatever it wants, not cool Expected results: Don't install updates unless I click install updates. I had to change this setting because with auto install enabled it would constantly install updates while fx was running, even though it shouldn't. Now I find it still does, just completely ignores my config
Bug 1874428 Comment 0 Edit History
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User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0 Steps to reproduce: 1. Have Firefox Installed, Window 121.0 2. Be configured to check for updates but don't install them: 3. Wait for update notification 4. Don't install, always click dismiss on the constant annoying reminder (that should only ever pop up once per update) 5. Find firefox installs anyway and breaks: Actual results: Firefox ignores settings and does whatever it wants, not cool Expected results: Don't install updates unless I click install updates. I had to change this setting because with auto install enabled it would constantly install updates while fx was running, even though it shouldn't. Now I find it still does, just completely ignores my config [dv: the image in step 5 shows the "An update to Firefox started in the background. You'll need to restart to finish the update." message. Added in case the imgur image goes away and to help text searches for this string]