We do throw an error, but it's not the one the test expects: ``` assert_throws_dom: function "() => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}, "key"); }" threw object "DataError: Data provided to an operation does not meet requirements." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to 0, expected 25 ``` And we're getting that NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_DATA_ERR [from here](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/indexedDB/IDBObjectStore.cpp#591): ``` void IDBObjectStore::GetAddInfo(...) { // Return DATA_ERR if a key was passed in and this objectStore uses inline keys. if (!aKeyVal.isUndefined() && HasValidKeyPath()) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_DATA_ERR); return; } ``` Which seems odd. This is the core of the test: ``` let open_rq = createdb(t); open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { let db = e.target.result; let objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath:"pKey" }); let sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(256); let rq; assert_throws_dom("DataCloneError", () => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}, "key"); }); ``` If I drop the "key" argument on the `put` so it's just `objStore.put({sab: sab})`, then we do get a data clone error, it's just still not the "right" one: ``` assert_throws_dom: function "() => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}); }" threw object "TypeError: The SharedArrayBuffer object cannot be serialized. The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy HTTP headers can be used to enable this." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25 ``` It becomes the "right" one if I add a `JS_ClearPendingException(aCx);` [here](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/indexedDB/IDBObjectStore.cpp#607): ``` if (!aValueWrapper.Clone(aCx)) { JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR); return; } ``` But the real question is: what's going on with the "key" argument in the test. Jarl, any clues?
Bug 1878148 Comment 1 Edit History
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We do throw an error, but it's not the one the test expects: ``` assert_throws_dom: function "() => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}, "key"); }" threw object "DataError: Data provided to an operation does not meet requirements." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to 0, expected 25 ``` And we're getting that NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_DATA_ERR [from here](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/indexedDB/IDBObjectStore.cpp#591): ``` void IDBObjectStore::GetAddInfo(...) { // Return DATA_ERR if a key was passed in and this objectStore uses inline keys. if (!aKeyVal.isUndefined() && HasValidKeyPath()) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_DATA_ERR); return; } ``` Which seems odd. This is the core of the test: ``` let open_rq = createdb(t); open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { let db = e.target.result; let objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath:"pKey" }); let sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(256); let rq; assert_throws_dom("DataCloneError", () => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}, "key"); }); ``` If I drop the "key" argument on the `put` so it's just `objStore.put({sab: sab})`, then we do get a data clone error, it's just still not the "right" one: ``` assert_throws_dom: function "() => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}); }" threw object "TypeError: The SharedArrayBuffer object cannot be serialized. The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy HTTP headers can be used to enable this." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25 ``` It becomes the "right" one if I add a `JS_ClearPendingException(aCx);` [here](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/indexedDB/IDBObjectStore.cpp#607): ``` if (!aValueWrapper.Clone(aCx)) { JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR); return; } ``` But the real question is: what's going on with the "key" argument in the test. Jarl, any clues?
We do throw an error, but it's not the one the test expects: ``` assert_throws_dom: function "() => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}, "key"); }" threw object "DataError: Data provided to an operation does not meet requirements." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to 0, expected 25 ``` And we're getting that NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_DATA_ERR [from here](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/indexedDB/IDBObjectStore.cpp#591): ``` void IDBObjectStore::GetAddInfo(...) { // Return DATA_ERR if a key was passed in and this objectStore uses inline keys. if (!aKeyVal.isUndefined() && HasValidKeyPath()) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEXEDDB_DATA_ERR); return; } ``` Which seems odd. This is the core of the test: ``` let open_rq = createdb(t); open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) { let db = e.target.result; let objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath:"pKey" }); let sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(256); let rq; assert_throws_dom("DataCloneError", () => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}, "key"); }); ``` If I drop the "key" argument on the `put` so it's just `objStore.put({sab: sab})`, then we do get a data clone error, it's just still not the "right" one: ``` assert_throws_dom: function "() => { rq = objStore.put({sab: sab}); }" threw object "TypeError: The SharedArrayBuffer object cannot be serialized. The Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy HTTP headers can be used to enable this." that is not a DOMException DataCloneError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 25 ``` It becomes the "right" one if I add a `JS_ClearPendingException` [here](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/indexedDB/IDBObjectStore.cpp#607): ``` if (!aValueWrapper.Clone(aCx)) { JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR); return; } ``` But the real question is: what's going on with the "key" argument in the test. Jarl, any clues?