Bug 1878918 Comment 0 Edit History

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To improve the accessibility of the web for all Firefox users, we want to offer a tool within Reader View that offers a simplified version of an article's contents. This tool would help users with different needs, such as children, adults with learning difficulties or cognitive impairments, and second language learners. We aim to enhance the readability of web articles by transforming the text into a lower reading level.

This feature would likely require a large language model (LLM) approach. In 2023, [researchers demonstrated] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.11957.pdf) that large language models such as GPT3.5 outperform traditional text simplification methods, producing results that were on par with human annotators.
To improve the accessibility of the web for all Firefox users, we want to offer a tool within Reader View that offers a simplified version of an article's contents. This tool would help users with different needs, such as children, adults with learning difficulties or cognitive impairments, and second language learners. We aim to enhance the readability of web articles by transforming the text into a lower reading level.

This feature would likely require a large language model (LLM) approach. In 2023, [researchers demonstrated](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.11957.pdf) that large language models such as GPT3.5 outperform traditional text simplification methods, producing results that were on par with human annotators.
To improve the accessibility of the web for all Firefox users, we want to offer a tool within Reader View that offers a simplified version of an article's contents. This tool would help users with different needs, such as children, adults with learning difficulties or cognitive impairments, and second language learners. We aim to enhance the readability of web articles by transforming the text into a lower reading level. This enhancement was suggested by Kim Bryant, the Disability@Mozilla MRG lead.

This feature would likely require a large language model (LLM) approach. In 2023, [researchers demonstrated](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.11957.pdf) that large language models such as GPT3.5 outperform traditional text simplification methods, producing results that were on par with human annotators.

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