Bug 1879143 Comment 9 Edit History

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Hi Mayank,

I wouldn't say that they were _expected_ to me, but there are a lot more interactions between pieces than I am aware of so I also expect to be surprised. :)

I brought this up in a meeting with the SpiderMonkey folks this morning and the expectation was that there was probably still be some JavaScript running in these tests. There is also some precedent for a JS/string-related change affecting these tests (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1858040#c8 for example) so it's probably not totally crazy for these tests to have been affected.
Hi Mayank,

I wouldn't say that they were _expected_ to me, but there are a lot more interactions between pieces than I am aware of so I also expect to be surprised. :)

I brought this up in a meeting with the SpiderMonkey folks this morning and the expectation was that there was probably still be some JavaScript running in these tests. There is also some precedent for a JS/string-related change to affect these tests (see [bug 1858040](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1858040#c8) for example) so it's probably not totally crazy for these tests to have been affected.

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