This seems to be just a basic feature of NVDA. There's a character limit. If you go to NVDA settings, to the Browse Mode tab, the first setting on the page is the character limit. You can see it in practice anywhere. Visit any website with long paragraphs ([here for example]( and click around the paragraph and use the arrow keys to move the caret. The yellow caret indicates the point where it starts to read from. Longer paragraphs are split into more sections (that one was split into 5 for me), and this callout's subtitle just happens to be long enough to create 2 sections, but only by 1 word. So unfortunately the 2nd section is only 1 word long.
Bug 1879518 Comment 11 Edit History
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This seems to be just a basic feature of NVDA, and unavoidable. There's a character limit. If you go to NVDA settings, to the Browse Mode tab, the first setting on the page is the character limit. You can see it in practice anywhere. Visit any website with long paragraphs ([here for example]( and click around the paragraph and use the arrow keys to move the caret. The yellow caret indicates the point where it starts to read from. Longer paragraphs are split into more sections (that one was split into 5 for me), and this callout's subtitle just happens to be long enough to create 2 sections, but only by 1 word. So unfortunately the 2nd section is only 1 word long.
This seems to be just a basic feature of NVDA, and unavoidable. There's a 100 character limit. If you go to NVDA settings, to the Browse Mode tab, the first setting on the page is the character limit. You can see it in practice anywhere. Visit any website with long paragraphs ([here for example]( and click around the paragraph and use the arrow keys to move the caret. The yellow caret indicates the point where it starts to read from. Longer paragraphs are split into more sections (that one was split into 5 for me), and this callout's subtitle just happens to be long enough to create 2 sections, but only by 1 word. So unfortunately the 2nd section is only 1 word long.
This seems to be just a basic feature of NVDA, and unavoidable. There's a 100 character limit. If you go to NVDA settings, to the Browse Mode tab, the first setting on the page is the character limit. You can see it in practice anywhere. Visit any website with long paragraphs ([here for example]( and click around the paragraph and use the arrow keys to move the cursor. The yellow box cursor indicates the point where it starts to read from. Longer paragraphs are split into more sections (that one was split into 5 for me), and this callout's subtitle just happens to be long enough to create 2 sections, but only by 1 word. So unfortunately the 2nd section is only 1 word long.