Bug 1884144 Comment 4 Edit History

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Thanks. Let's coordinate to do that next week sometime, if that works. I want to see if I can diagnose this, which means I need to sign in to some account; I'd set up my own, but I don't have a cell phone number that I'd be comfortable sharing with Taobao (which seems to be a required part of their account setup process).  (I don't have a work cell phone, and I'm not comfortable giving them my personal cell number.)
Thanks. Let's coordinate to do that next week sometime, if that works. I want to see if I can diagnose this, which means I need to sign in to some account; I briefly looked to see what it would take to set up my own account, but I don't have a cell phone number that I'd be comfortable sharing with Taobao (which seems to be a required part of their account setup process).  (I don't have a work cell phone, and I'm not comfortable giving them my personal cell number.)

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