My understand here (that might be wrong or incomplete) is that having the new task (`fenix-debug-root`) build Fenix using geckoview built previously, as we do the the regular `fenix-debug` task, would already represent what a local build would do. The only difference I see is that it is broken down into two separate parts: 1) building GeckoView and packaging the dependencies 2) use the dependencies packaged in step 1) (including GeckoView) to build fenix from the root folder. Is there something I'm missing? Are there differences that would justify having the `fenix-debug-root` task both build GeckoView and build Fenix?
Bug 1884675 Comment 6 Edit History
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My understanding here (that might be wrong or incomplete) is that having the new task (`fenix-debug-root`) build Fenix using geckoview built previously, as we do the the regular `fenix-debug` task, would already represent what a local build would do. The only difference I see is that it is broken down into two separate parts: 1) building GeckoView and packaging the dependencies 2) use the dependencies packaged in step 1) (including GeckoView) to build fenix from the root folder. Is there something I'm missing? Are there differences that would justify having the `fenix-debug-root` task both build GeckoView and build Fenix?