Bug 1885010 Comment 4 Edit History

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Florian showed me a bit in your message I misread.

(In reply to Gian-Carlo Pascutto [:gcp] from comment #1)
> I got this again and captured a profile. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to upload the profile without being able to click.

When you're in this state, you can try opening the devtools for this page (Option Command K), then enter the command `copy(profile)`, and paste whatever you have in the clipboard after that to a file.
Then I don't fully remember if we can open this file right away or if this needs some extra tweaks, but please tell us how this goes until there!
Florian showed me a bit in your message I misread.

(In reply to Gian-Carlo Pascutto [:gcp] from comment #1)
> I got this again and captured a profile. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to upload the profile without being able to click.

When you're in this state, you can try opening the devtools for this page (Option Command K), then enter the command `copy(JSON.stringify(profile))`, and paste whatever you have in the clipboard after that to a file.
Then I don't fully remember if we can open this file right away or if this needs some extra tweaks, but please tell us how this goes until there!

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