STR: 1. Start Chrome and open a web site 2. Start Nightly 3. Drag and drop a link from Chrome to Nightly's tabstrip or bookmarks toolbar AR: Nothing happens ER: A drop indicator should appear when dragging over. When dropped onto a tab strip, the link should open in a new tab. When dropped onto the bookmark toolbar, a bookmark should be created.
Bug 1885472 Comment 0 Edit History
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Ubuntu22.04 STR: 1. Start Chrome and open a web site 2. Start Nightly 3. Drag and drop a link from Chrome to Nightly's tabstrip or bookmarks toolbar AR: Nothing happens ER: A drop indicator should appear when dragging over. When dropped onto a tab strip, the link should open in a new tab. When dropped onto the bookmark toolbar, a bookmark should be created. Workaround: Disabled Wayland. (export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=0)