Bug 1885610 Comment 0 Edit History

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Implement the Tools and actions menu group.  This is just the main tools and actions group that includes Switch to desktop site, Find in page, Tools, Save, Extensions.

For Switch to desktop site, Find in page  and Extensions hook these buttons to the current behaviour.

Not the sub menu.  Those will be implemented in follow ups.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/Menu-Redesign?type=design&node-id=10882-53248&mode=design&t=lu0I4xY5gKXPXbUz-4
Implement the Tools and actions menu group.  This is just the main tools and actions group that includes Switch to desktop site, Find in page, Tools, Save, Extensions.

For Switch to desktop site, Find in page  and Extensions hook these buttons to the current behaviour.

Not the sub menu.  Those will be implemented in follow ups.

Design: https://www.figma.com/file/RFz9fYtotQCQuinwcZujZt/Menu-Redesign?type=design&node-id=9736-50545&mode=design&t=s2P4UpMXAhoVojlM-4

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