Bug 1885695 Comment 11 Edit History

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Do you mind sharing the build error message? Also, you might want to try `rustup update` to make sure the installed rust is updated.

> I thought that all I had to type was 'class' after 'enum' for LogicalEdge

You'll also need to change `eLogicalEdgeStart` to `EdgeStart`  and `eLogicalEdgeEnd` to `EdgeEnd` match the coding style. Of course, the callsites will have to change, too.

If you've made a successful build before making any change, I think `./mach build` won't consume too many space after you make a simple change like changing `enum` to `enum class`. What is the amount of disk space increase you were seeing after each `./mach build`?
Do you mind sharing the build error message? Also, you might want to try `rustup update` to make sure the installed rust is updated.

> I thought that all I had to type was 'class' after 'enum' for LogicalEdge

You'll also need to change `eLogicalEdgeStart` to ~~`EdgeStart`~~ `Start`  and `eLogicalEdgeEnd` to ~~`EdgeEnd`~~ `End` to match the coding style. Of course, the callsites will have to change, too. 

[edit] Sorry that I made a wrong suggestion. the new enum variants should be `Start` and `End` since the enum name is `LogicalEdge`. No need to repeat the `Edge`.

If you've made a successful build before making any change, I think `./mach build` won't consume too many space after you make a simple change like changing `enum` to `enum class`. What is the amount of disk space increase you were seeing after each `./mach build`?

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