Bug 1887820 Comment 0 Edit History

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By using UIAutomator we can drive the baseline profile generator through the critical pathways of the app. This ticket is reported to investigate if we can make use of UIAutomator and have more complex profiles that'd enhance the results.
By using UIAutomator we can drive the baseline profile generator through the critical pathways of the app. This ticket is reported to investigate if we can make use of UIAutomator and have more complex profiles that'd enhance the results.

Keep in mind:
>Broad rules that compile too much of the application can slow down startup due to increased disk access. If you're just starting with Baseline Profiles, don't worry about this. However, depending on your app and the size and number of journeys, adding a lot of journeys can result in suboptimal performance. Test the performance of your app by trying different profiles and verifying that the performance doesn't regress after the additions. (see [here](https://developer.android.com/topic/performance/baselineprofiles/configure-baselineprofiles))

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