gfx.webrender.debug.picture-caching shows we're invalidating the whole page every frame whilst scrolling Despite this, we still hit a smooth FPS on a Pixel 2 (Adreno), so I presume there is a Mali-specific issue here causing us to perform so poorly
Bug 1891831 Comment 3 Edit History
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gfx.webrender.debug.picture-caching shows we're invalidating the whole page every frame whilst scrolling Despite this, we mostly hit a smooth FPS on a Pixel 2 (Adreno), so I presume there is a Mali-specific issue here causing us to perform so poorly
gfx.webrender.debug.picture-caching shows we're invalidating the whole page every frame whilst scrolling Despite this, we mostly hit a smooth 60 FPS on a Pixel 2 (Adreno), so I presume there is a Mali-specific issue here causing us to perform so poorly