We had an initial accessibility review of [1839431](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1839431) but there have been changes to the embedded migration wizard since the initial review 9 months ago and the review may be outdated as a result. There's an interest from the accessibility team to perform a re-review and scope out any accessibility work.
Bug 1892336 Comment 0 Edit History
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We had an initial accessibility review of [1839431](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1839431) but there have been changes to the embedded migration wizard since the initial review 9 months ago and the review may be outdated as a result. There's an interest from the accessibility team to perform a re-review and scope out any accessibility work. ## Description: Scope of this review will cover the new embedded import wizard screen which has been added to the about:welcome flow embedded import wizard flow. This will be the default experience for Mac, Windows, and Linux builds. The technical plan document covers the designs and intended experience as well as all the patches that were involved. ## How do we test this? Test plan can be found in the [QA steps in the technical plan document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1baiMNiTNGZ1saEqoTfDHiJBPqVYcTO5mdWiNr4jvPh8/edit#heading=h.5840t7jz7l1f) ## When will this ship? This shipped as default experience in Fx117. Tracking bug/issue: [Meta Bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1828993) / [FXE Jira bug](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/browse/FXE-334) Design documents (e.g. Product Requirements Document, UI spec): Engineering lead: Negin Sauermann (nsauermann@mozilla.com) Product manager: Najla Bulous (nbulous@mozilla.com) The accessibility team has developed the Mozilla Accessibility Release Guidelines which outline what is needed to make user interfaces accessible: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Accessibility/Guidelines Please describe the accessibility guidelines you considered and what steps you've taken to address them: As most of the work has been repurposed from the work with the new migration wizard, nothing in regards to this has changed since the last review. ## Describe any areas of concern to which you want the accessibility team to give special attention: I don't believe there's any special attention required to anything in particular but responsive mode should have special attention to it.
We had an initial accessibility review of [1839431](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1839431) but there have been changes to the embedded migration wizard since the initial review 9 months ago and the review may be outdated as a result. There's an interest from the accessibility team to perform a re-review and scope out any accessibility work. ## Description: Scope of this review will cover the new embedded import wizard screen which has been added to the about:welcome flow embedded import wizard flow. This will be the default experience for Mac, Windows, and Linux builds. The technical plan document covers the designs and intended experience as well as all the patches that were involved. ## How do we test this? Test plan can be found in the [QA steps in the technical plan document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1baiMNiTNGZ1saEqoTfDHiJBPqVYcTO5mdWiNr4jvPh8/edit#heading=h.5840t7jz7l1f) ## When will this ship? This shipped as default experience in Fx117. Tracking bug/issue: [Meta Bug](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1828993) / [FXE Jira bug](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/browse/FXE-334) Design documents (e.g. Product Requirements Document, UI spec): Engineering lead: Negin Sauermann (nsauermann@mozilla.com) Product manager: Najla Bulous (nbulous@mozilla.com) The accessibility team has developed the Mozilla Accessibility Release Guidelines which outline what is needed to make user interfaces accessible: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Accessibility/Guidelines Please describe the accessibility guidelines you considered and what steps you've taken to address them: As most of the work has been repurposed from the work with the new migration wizard, nothing in regards to this has changed since the last review. ## Describe any areas of concern to which you want the accessibility team to give special attention: I don't believe there's any special attention required to anything in particular.