> Or it may be sample bias and people scanned their systems because we behaved weirdly :-/ We (in Firefox support) have asked the affected users for a scan with ADWcleaner, because the opening of looked suspicious from our point of view and could indicate (incorrectly functioning) adware. Unfortunately, we know from experience that many users download software via dubious third-party portals that bundle the actual software with other things if they are not careful and simply use the largest download button. So yes, for the affected users, the "weird behavior" of Firefox was the reason for a scan (via our support forum). From that point of view, the bug may have been a good thing, at least for those users who scanned their system. 😉
Bug 1892612 Comment 12 Edit History
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> Or it may be sample bias and people scanned their systems because we behaved weirdly :-/ We (in Firefox support) have asked the affected users for a scan with ADWcleaner, because the opening of looked suspicious from our point of view and could indicate (incorrectly functioning) adware. Unfortunately, we know from experience that many users download software via dubious third-party portals that bundle the actual software with other things if they are not careful and simply use the largest download button. So yes, for the affected users, the "weird behavior" of Firefox was (via the detour of our support forum) the reason for a scan. From that point of view, the bug may have been a good thing, at least for those users who scanned their system. 😉