Yes, you need to rebuild to make sandbox policy changes with the exception of a few things that are parameterized. One thing to try that can be set via prefs is to try setting the pref `security.sandbox.content.mac.disconnect-windowserver` to `false` with the sandbox enabled which would tell us if it is related to not having a WindowServer connection. Since setting `security.sandbox.content.level` to `1` did not avoid the problem, it's probably not caused by not having permission to read the filesystem. I suspect it's related to trying to connect to a mach service it doesn't normally connect to in a non-virtualized environment or has a timeout in this environment. These are logged with messages like `plugin-container(3912) deny(1) mach-lookup` After the WindowServer test, what I would do for next steps is to look for the messages related to denying connection to a service (`` in the above example) and allow that service in the content process policy with an allow rule by adding it to SandboxPolicyContent.h [here]( making sure to get the parenthesis right. We might be able to find a single service connection attempt that is causing the delay. Do we have a method for running this VM type on a developer Mac?
Bug 1893921 Comment 55 Edit History
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Yes, you need to rebuild to make sandbox policy changes with the exception of a few things that are parameterized. One thing to try that can be set via prefs is to try setting the pref `security.sandbox.content.mac.disconnect-windowserver` to `false` with the sandbox enabled which would tell us if it is related to not having a WindowServer connection. Edit: looking at the profile, the `NSAppShell::Init()` call is stuck in `NSColorGetUserAccentColor` which might be trying to connect to the WindowServer or something display-related. Since setting `security.sandbox.content.level` to `1` did not avoid the problem, it's probably not caused by not having permission to read the filesystem. I suspect it's related to trying to connect to a mach service it doesn't normally connect to in a non-virtualized environment or has a timeout in this environment. These are logged with messages like `plugin-container(3912) deny(1) mach-lookup` After the WindowServer test, what I would do for next steps is to look for the messages related to denying connection to a service (`` in the above example) and allow that service in the content process policy with an allow rule by adding it to SandboxPolicyContent.h [here]( making sure to get the parenthesis right. We might be able to find a single service connection attempt that is causing the delay. Do we have a method for running this VM type on a developer Mac?