Bug 1894842 Comment 21 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

(In reply to Chas Belov from comment #20)
> privacy.resistFingerprinting is set to true (overridden)

Right, that's the one that matters here; that's sufficient to make `layout.frame_rate` have no effect.  That's  bug 1897251, and it's happening because Firefox is trying to aggressively make you look indistinguishable from other users as discussed above.  If you reset that to its default state, this bug will go away and your `layout.frame_rate` should be respected.

(If you were to reset that one but enable its `.pbmode` version, then you'd see the same issue, but only if you open a private browsing window; that's bug 1863853.)
(In reply to Chas Belov from comment #20)
> privacy.resistFingerprinting is set to true (overridden)

Right, that's the one that matters here; that's sufficient to make `layout.frame_rate` have no effect.  That's  bug 1897251, and it's happening because Firefox is trying to aggressively make you look indistinguishable from other users as discussed above.  If you reset that to its default state, this bug will go away and your `layout.frame_rate` should be respected.

(If you were to turn off that one but enable its `.pbmode` version, then you'd see the same issue, but only if you open a private browsing window; that's bug 1863853.)

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