I can reproduce it. The window appears at rounded size for a moment before resizing to its old size, though I couldn't find the resize mechanism. It doesn't happen with "Open previous windows and tabs" unchecked. So I assume it has to do with loading of old window sizes.
Bug 1897590 Comment 2 Edit History
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I can reproduce it. The window appears at rounded size for a moment before resizing to its old size, though I couldn't find the resize mechanism. It doesn't happen with "Open previous windows and tabs" unchecked (specifically happens only when browser.startup.page = 3 = = resume previous browser session). So I assume it has to do with loading of old window sizes.
I can reproduce it. The window appears at rounded size for a moment before resizing to its old size, though I couldn't find the resize mechanism. It doesn't happen with "Open previous windows and tabs" unchecked (specifically happens only when browser.startup.page = 3 = resume previous browser session). So I assume it has to do with loading of old window sizes.