[This script](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/perf-tools/blob/main/record_adb.py) launches Firefox with an app link view intent when called like this, and takes a screen recording of it which it then pulls from the phone: `python3 ./record_adb.py --mode applink --package org.mozilla.fenix --url https://theme-crave-demo.myshopify.com/ --output shopify-app-link.mp4` It does not do the video analysis. Andrej is planning to write that part. The goal is to be able to compute a time based on the video, from the first frame of app startup (i.e. the first frame that's different from the initial frame), to the frame that shows the launched page. For now we can hardcode the "page shown" detection for a single URL. For example, if we just use https://theme-crave-demo.myshopify.com/ as the launched URL, we can detect when the main image is shown by detecting colors in certain spots.
Bug 1898221 Comment 3 Edit History
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[This script](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/perf-tools/blob/main/record_adb.py) launches Firefox with an app link view intent when called like this, and takes a screen recording of it which it then pulls from the phone: `python3 ./record_adb.py --mode applink --package org.mozilla.fenix --url https://theme-crave-demo.myshopify.com/ --output shopify-app-link.mp4` It does not do the video analysis. Andrej is planning to write that part. The goal is to be able to compute a time based on the video, from the first frame of app startup (i.e. the first frame that's different from the initial video frame showing the home screen), to the frame that shows the launched page. For now we can hardcode the "page shown" detection for a single URL. For example, if we just use https://theme-crave-demo.myshopify.com/ as the launched URL, we can detect when the main image is shown by detecting colors in certain spots.