\(In reply to Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) from comment #6) > This is the first time I've run into bugs filed for behavior when using the Ubuntu Screenreader. Is that assistive tech we normally support? From the fact this works as expected in the other screen readers, and the steps in comment 5 it sounds like its more likely to be a platform bug or even a bug in the reader itself. Can you help us triage this Morgan? Yes, we support screen readers on all desktop platforms. Our primary supported screen readers are: Orca on Linux, VoiceOver on macOS, and NVDA on Windows. I initially thought this was a platform bug, since the reporter noted this was specific to Linux. However, in Eitan's testing in #c2 it seems like the Cancel button was inoperable across platforms. Is that still the case? It sounds like there are two issues here: Orca doesn't consistenly read things in FF if FF was started before Orca, and the cancel button in screenshots is inconsistently (or unable to be) activated with screen readers across platforms. :simona, have you tested that the Cancel button can be operated with VoiceOver on macOS or NVDA on Windows? what about with Orca, when Orca is able to read it?
Bug 1899519 Comment 8 Edit History
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\(In reply to Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) from comment #6) > This is the first time I've run into bugs filed for behavior when using the Ubuntu Screenreader. Is that assistive tech we normally support? From the fact this works as expected in the other screen readers, and the steps in comment 5 it sounds like its more likely to be a platform bug or even a bug in the reader itself. Can you help us triage this Morgan? Yes, we support screen readers on all desktop platforms. Our primary supported screen readers are: Orca on Linux, VoiceOver on macOS, and NVDA on Windows. I initially thought this was a platform bug, since the reporter noted this was specific to Linux. However, in Eitan's testing in #c2 it seems like the Cancel button was inoperable across platforms. Is that still the case? It sounds like there are two issues here: Orca doesn't consistenly read things in FF if FF was started before Orca, and the cancel button in screenshots is inconsistently (or unable to be) activated with screen readers across platforms. While Eitan works on the former, we should try to figure out if the latter is a platform issue or a frontend one. :simona, have you tested that the Cancel button can be operated with VoiceOver on macOS or NVDA on Windows? what about with Orca, when Orca is able to read it?