Bug 1899575 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

Thanks for helping to test the Review Checker experience prior to the US rollout! 

This will include the following items: 

• [Review Checker V1.1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwVuPG3Osf43Iti09ciRP1UCXxJl_e869GZr2OL2yM8/edit?pli=1#heading=h.bumg12zg9cle)
    • Auto-opening behavior
    • [Callouts V1.2](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwVuPG3Osf43Iti09ciRP1UCXxJl_e869GZr2OL2yM8/edit?pli=1#heading=h.trb1vr3o8ay7) 
    • New feature disable mechanism
    • Churn Microsurvey [pending engineering support]
• Satisfaction Microsurvey (from Review Checker V1.0) 

The ask is that everyone take a moment to check it out and look for issues. Enable the experience by following these steps:

1. Enable in Nightly: (Nimbus experiment link) https://experimenter.services.mozilla.com/nimbus/us-review-checker-rollout/summary
2. Refresh Nightly first by following these instructions: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings
3. Visit about:config and update nimbus.debug to true
4. Paste and visit this into the URL: about:studies?optin_slug=us-review-checker-rollout&optin_branch=treatment-a&optin_collection=nimbus-preview


Instructions to report a bug as a part of the Review Checker internal QA/testing:

1. Create a new issue blocking this bug.  
2. In the summary field, please type  **[foxfooding] %Brief summary of the defect%**
3. Add steps to reproduce/any other relevant information in the Description field, 
4. Submit the issue
5. Please also cross-post the issue in #review_checker Slack channel
Thanks for helping to test the Review Checker experience prior to the US rollout! 

This will include the following items: 

• [Review Checker V1.1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwVuPG3Osf43Iti09ciRP1UCXxJl_e869GZr2OL2yM8/edit?pli=1#heading=h.bumg12zg9cle)
    • Auto-opening behavior
    • [Callouts V1.2](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwVuPG3Osf43Iti09ciRP1UCXxJl_e869GZr2OL2yM8/edit?pli=1#heading=h.trb1vr3o8ay7) 
    • New feature disable mechanism
    • Churn Microsurvey [pending engineering support]
• Satisfaction Microsurvey (from Review Checker V1.0) 

Additional use cases that should be functional:  
     • Review Checker should work whether or not the user has the Fakespot Add-On installed or not (no breakage of either the Review Checker or the Fakespot Add-On experience). Please try the Review Checker with the Fakespot Add-On installed as well and note any issues.

The ask is that everyone take a moment to check it out and look for issues. Enable the experience by following these steps:

1. Enable in Nightly: (Nimbus experiment link) https://experimenter.services.mozilla.com/nimbus/us-review-checker-rollout/summary
2. Refresh Nightly first by following these instructions: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings
3. Visit about:config and update nimbus.debug to true
4. Paste and visit this into the URL: about:studies?optin_slug=us-review-checker-rollout&optin_branch=treatment-a&optin_collection=nimbus-preview


Instructions to report a bug as a part of the Review Checker internal QA/testing:

1. Create a new issue blocking this bug.  
2. In the summary field, please type  **[foxfooding] %Brief summary of the defect%**
3. Add steps to reproduce/any other relevant information in the Description field, 
4. Submit the issue
5. Please also cross-post the issue in #review_checker Slack channel

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