thanks Fatih
what is `track object` (who can see that? the website?). If this is not relevant, then ignore. I would hope with current RFP we don't expose any additional info after granting permission
OT: when can we flip legacy gUM off :)
> while enumerateDevices still reports the fake id (which i think is a bug?)
_after_ permissions, we could still report all devices, but still use fake ids (and always report 1 of each as a minimum: e.g I have none on this device and if I grant permission it should stay as fake data). If I recall correctly we use labels `Internal Camera` and `Internal Microphone` - whilst not super end-user friendly, can we not just expose the number of each but append #2, #3 etc. Not many people would have more than 1 or 2 devices (of each) - maybe we have that in telemetry somewhere
Bug 1899736 Comment 13 Edit History
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thanks Fatih
what is `track object` (who can see that? the website?). If this is not relevant, then ignore. I would hope with current RFP we don't expose any additional info after granting permission
OT: when can we flip legacy gUM off :)
> while enumerateDevices still reports the fake id (which i think is a bug?)
_after_ permissions, we could ~~still~~ report all devices, but still use fake ids (and always report 1 of each as a minimum: e.g I have none on this device and if I grant permission it should stay as fake data). If I recall correctly we use labels `Internal Camera` and `Internal Microphone` - whilst not super end-user friendly, can we not just expose the number of each but append #2, #3 etc. Not many people would have more than 1 or 2 devices (of each) - maybe we have that in telemetry somewhere