Bug 1899736 Comment 24 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

With the patch I just submitted, the behaviour would be as the following:

- No permission
  - Enumerate devices returns only two devices just like before
  - Stream Track is not applicable since there's no active video/audio steam
- With permission
  - Enumerate devices returns ***all*** the available devices with fake ids, fake group ids, and fake names.
  - Stream Track returns the fake ids and names

`MediaManager::AnonymizeDevices` seems more integrated. So I think modifying it instead of `MediaEngineFake` makes more sense.

Unfortunately, the patch won't fix https://webcamtests.com/check's issue. Firefox returns the full list after permission grant, but the website doen't refresh the media device list after permission grant. This is something they would have to do.
With the patch I just submitted, the behaviour would be as the following:

- No permission
  - Enumerate devices returns only two devices just like before
  - Stream Track is not applicable since there's no active video/audio steam
- With permission
  - Enumerate devices returns ***all*** the available devices with fake ids, fake group ids, and fake names.
  - Stream Track returns the fake ids and names

`MediaManager::AnonymizeDevices` seems more integrated. So I think modifying it instead of `MediaEngineFake` makes more sense.

Unfortunately, the patch won't fix https://webcamtests.com/check's issue. Firefox returns the full list after permission grant, but the website doen't refresh the media device list after permission grant. This is something they would have to do.

The patch, however, would fix Bug 1876636.

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