Bug 1900486 Comment 12 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request
* **User impact if declined**: 
* **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: Yes
* **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: Yes
* **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes
* **If yes, steps to reproduce**: 
* **List of other uplifts needed**: None
* **Risk to taking this patch**: Low
* **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: 
* **String changes made/needed**: 
* **Is Android affected?**: Yes
### beta Uplift Approval Request
- **User impact if declined**: To make our US Review Checker rollout schedule, this fix needs to land in 128.0. Without it, we can't show an important survey to Review Checker users. The rollout will be holding at 80% enrollment so we can launch an extra holdback experiment that deploys the survey. So how long it takes the fix to ship to release users determines the length of time 20% of US users will go without Review Checker. The sooner this fix ships, the sooner we can launch the holdback experiment, the sooner we can ramp from 80% rollout to 100% rollout.
- **Code covered by automated testing**: yes
- **Fix verified in Nightly**: yes
- **Needs manual QE test**: no
- **Steps to reproduce for manual QE testing**: In original revision
- **Risk associated with taking this patch**: Low
- **Explanation of risk level**: Behind a Nimbus experiment, and relatively low proportion of users can make it to the survey
- **String changes made/needed**: n/a
- **Is Android affected?**: no

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