I personally don't think this should be a blocker to the Navbar release. I don't know of any production websites that trigger this bug. It's rather an edge case with pages being vertically larger than 100`svh` but smaller than 100`lvh` and those must have 'interesting' elements (e.g. input field) close enough to the bottom for the toolbar to overlap it when you want to interact with it. You can work around it by scrolling. Additionally, this bug is part of production code for an unknown time already and we're not seeing outside reports of this as far as I'm aware.
Bug 1900622 Comment 38 Edit History
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I personally don't think this should be a blocker to the Navbar release. I don't know of any production websites that trigger this bug. It's rather an edge case with pages being vertically larger than 100`svh` but smaller than 100`lvh` and those must have 'interesting' elements (e.g. input field) close enough to the bottom for the toolbar to overlap it when you want to interact with it. You can work around it by scrolling so that the dynamic toolbar hides. Additionally, this bug is part of production code for an unknown time already and we're not seeing outside reports of this as far as I'm aware.