Bug 1900685 Comment 0 Edit History

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Bug 1875870 is going to add some documentation for how to query [aboutwelcome bundle telemetry](https://dictionary.telemetry.mozilla.org/apps/firefox_desktop/pings/messaging-system) so we don't need to write up an essay explaining it every time. But even better would be to consolidate and simplify it so we don't need an essay to explain it in the first place. In particular, we should fundamentally change how we record message_id, so that every event emanating from a message has the same message_id. Right now we append different stuff to the message_id depending on the type of event. For most events, we record a string like this: `{message_id}_{screen_index}_{screen_id}` and for events we append `_{screen_initials}`. This makes querying very difficult. It would be better if we just recorded extra keys:

Bug 1875870 is going to add some documentation for how to query [aboutwelcome bundle telemetry](https://dictionary.telemetry.mozilla.org/apps/firefox_desktop/pings/messaging-system) so we don't need to write up an essay explaining it every time. But even better would be to consolidate and simplify it so we don't need an essay to explain it in the first place. In particular, we should fundamentally change how we record message_id, so that every event emanating from a message has the same message_id. Right now we append different stuff to the message_id depending on the type of event. For most events, we record a string like this: `{message_id}_{screen_index}_{screen_id}` and for events we append `_{screen_initials}`. This makes querying very tedious. It would be better if we just recorded extra keys:


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