Bug 1901325 Comment 2 Edit History

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I had experienced similar issue when trying to access "Events" section on papertrails. It is located on a sub-domain and Nightly keeps redirecting between auth endpoints. 
Sven might be right, as I also see `"Cookie "user_credentials" has been rejected for invalid characters in the attributes."` messages

That cookie value looks like `user_credentials: 1111::222` - it contains `:`: which might be triggering the error above?

v129 - not working, v126 - working
I had experienced similar issue when trying to access "Events" section on papertrails. It is located on a sub-domain and Nightly keeps redirecting between auth endpoints. 
Sven might be right, as I also see `"Cookie "user_credentials" has been rejected for invalid characters in the attributes."` messages

That cookie value looks like `user_credentials: 1111::222` - it contains `::` which might be triggering the error above?

v129 - not working, v126 - working
I had experienced similar issue when trying to access "Events" section on papertrails. It is located on a sub-domain and Nightly keeps redirecting between auth endpoints. 
Sven might be right, as I also see `"Cookie "user_credentials" has been rejected for invalid characters in the attributes."` messages

That cookie value looks like `user_credentials: 1111::222` - it contains `::` which might be triggering the error above?

v129 - not working, v126 - working

UPD: Papertrail server is also likely doing something strange, I've contacted their support.
They send empty cookies in response:

< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 08:17:48 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 101
< Status: 302 Found
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
< Location: https://my.papertrailapp.com/events
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Set-Cookie: user_credentials=2222111103cf081d9623bd7d5f2368b735%3A%3A35805491; path=/; expires=Fri, 13-Sep-2024 08:17:48 GMT; secure; HttpOnly
< Set-Cookie: ; secure
< Set-Cookie: last_customer_id=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; secure
< Set-Cookie: ; secure
< Set-Cookie: last_customer_id=AAIlDw%3D%3D--e949a92222b61206b; domain=.papertrailapp.com; path=/; expires=Fri, 13-Sep-2024 08:17:48 GMT; secure; HttpOnly
< Set-Cookie: _papertrail_session=AAAAAmQ3ZDVmMjM2OGI3MzUGOwZUSSIYdXNlcl9jcmVkZW50aWFsc19pZAY7BlRpBDNZIgI%3D--090af763674ee6fa80464509df1cd8e34af03a09; path=/; secure; HttpOnly


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