Bug 1901338 Comment 2 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

(In reply to David Canzi from comment #0)
> User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0

Note: all monitoring of network behavior is via wireshark.

> Steps to reproduce:
> Cofigure a Usenet news account for news.eternal-september.org.  Select port 563
> and SSL/TLS, have it check for new messages once per hour.  Leave it alone for an
> hour or so, then try to get new messages.  Results are easier to see in a high
> volume newsgroup such as alt.atheism.

Ok, did that. After 30 minutes the server produces a TLS alert that the connection is going down. Then TB initiates a close of the connection, as it should.

> Actual results:
> After an hour running thunderbird unattended, netstat showed that there were
> no existing connections to the server.

After 30 minutes there will be no connection since the server wants to shutdown the connection and TB shuts it down. Then after 30 more minutes, TB re-establishes the connection and brings in the new articles.

> Clicking on Get New Messages did not
> cause a new connection to be established.  Netstat didn't show anything trying
> to connect to the server. 

If I click "Get messages" after 30m and the connection is still shut down, TB re-establishes it and TB fetches any new messages.

> When I exited from thunderbird by clicking the x at the
> right end of the title bar, a notification was displayed saying that Eternal September
> had refused the connection.

I haven't tried that yet since everything seems to work as it should (for me).

> The only way I could get to see new articles was to exit from thunderbird then
> start it up again.

Haven't needed to do that.
> These observations were made on a computer running Fedora 40 Linux and
> thunderbird 115.11.0.  I haven't tried any NNTPS server besides Eternal September.
> This problem doesn't happen to unencrypted connections to port 119.

I'm on kubuntu 22.04 with latest self-built daily [128.0a1 (2024-06-10) (64-bit)] **without** the changes proposed in bug: 1876261.

> Expected results:
> After a connection has been dropped, thunderbird should have reconnected to
> the server when I clicked check for new messages or at the scheduled hourly time
> to check for new messages, and retrieved new articles.

Seems to work for me.
(In reply to David Canzi from comment #0)
> User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0

Note: all monitoring of network behavior is via wireshark.

> Steps to reproduce:
> Cofigure a Usenet news account for news.eternal-september.org.  Select port 563
> and SSL/TLS, have it check for new messages once per hour.  Leave it alone for an
> hour or so, then try to get new messages.  Results are easier to see in a high
> volume newsgroup such as alt.atheism.

Ok, did that. After 30 minutes the server produces a TLS alert that the connection is going down. Then TB initiates a close of the connection, as it should.

> Actual results:
> After an hour running thunderbird unattended, netstat showed that there were
> no existing connections to the server.

After 30 minutes there will be no connection since the server wants to shutdown the connection and TB shuts it down. Then after 30 more minutes, TB re-establishes the connection and brings in the new articles.

> Clicking on Get New Messages did not
> cause a new connection to be established.  Netstat didn't show anything trying
> to connect to the server. 

If I click "Get messages" after 30m and the connection is still shut down, TB re-establishes it and TB fetches any new messages.

> When I exited from thunderbird by clicking the x at the
> right end of the title bar, a notification was displayed saying that Eternal September
> had refused the connection.

I haven't tried that yet since everything seems to work as it should (for me).

> The only way I could get to see new articles was to exit from thunderbird then
> start it up again.

Haven't needed to do that.
> These observations were made on a computer running Fedora 40 Linux and
> thunderbird 115.11.0.  I haven't tried any NNTPS server besides Eternal September.
> This problem doesn't happen to unencrypted connections to port 119.

I'm on kubuntu 22.04 with latest self-built daily [128.0a1 (2024-06-10) (64-bit)] **without** the changes proposed in bug 1876261.

> Expected results:
> After a connection has been dropped, thunderbird should have reconnected to
> the server when I clicked check for new messages or at the scheduled hourly time
> to check for new messages, and retrieved new articles.

Seems to work for me.

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