Bug 1901338 Comment 66 Edit History

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Thanks for captures and sorry for the delay in responding.
Looking at your files with wireshark, I'm seeing something I don't understand. I see 3 keepalive cycles spaced 9m 50s apart and then about 20s later TB disconnects and then reconnects. I don't know why TB disconnects  (sends FIN) at these points since it looks like the connection is still OK. I don't see the server indicating any problem on the 563 or 119 server captures.
Specifically, I'm referring to the FIN sent by TB at frame 65, 135 for the 563 capture and
frame 32, 69 for the 119 capture.

I've attached what I see for 563 (ES server) using the comment 63 build and I receive a notification via TLS that the server is bring down the connection after 30m idle (after several keepalive cycles). I don't see that in your 563 file. (Note: the .txt file shows the summary lines using SSLKEYLOGFILE env. var so the TLS is decrypted and shows the protocol text and just "Application Data". However, I had to set "decode as" to IMAP since there seems to be no option in WS to select NNTP decoding. But setting it as IMAP works OK and show the protocol text correctly.)

By any chance is TB reporting a timeout or other error  after being idle for a while?

Just to make sure I referenced the right code in comment 63, please check to make sure you see no "gds:" prefix on any of the console log messages produced when running that build.
Thanks for captures and sorry for the delay in responding.
Looking at your files with wireshark, I'm seeing something I don't understand. I see 3 keepalive cycles spaced 9m 50s apart and then about 20s later TB disconnects and then reconnects. I don't know why TB disconnects  (sends FIN) at these points since it looks like the connection is still OK. I don't see the server indicating any problem on the 563 or 119 server captures.
Specifically, I'm referring to the FIN sent by TB at frame 65, 135 for the 563 capture and
frame 32, 69 for the 119 capture.

I've attached what I see for 563 (ES server) using the comment 63 build and I receive a notification via TLS that the server is bring down the connection after 30m idle (after several keepalive cycles). I don't see that in your 563 file. (Note: the .txt file shows the summary lines using SSLKEYLOGFILE env. var so the TLS is decrypted and shows the protocol text and not just "Application Data". However, I had to set "decode as" to IMAP since there seems to be no option in WS to select NNTP decoding. But setting it as IMAP works OK and show the protocol text correctly.)

By any chance is TB reporting a timeout or other error  after being idle for a while?

Just to make sure I referenced the right code in comment 63, please check to make sure you see no "gds:" prefix on any of the console log messages produced when running that build.

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