Also, warning, the attached testcase might cause a crash in devtools code, in nightlies before today's nightly, if you try to inspect the `<div id="flex">` node with the "Layout" devtools pane open. (That crash is bug 1901233, which we've made into a more graceful silent failure via the patch that landed over there.)
Bug 1902156 Comment 4 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
Also, warning, the attached testcase might cause a crash in devtools code, in nightlies from around 2024-06-05 to 2024-06-11 or so, if you try to inspect the `<div id="flex">` node with the "Layout" devtools pane open. (That crash is bug 1901233, which we've made into a more graceful silent failure via the patch that landed over there.)