This has come from the Product and UX agreement . Microsurvey prompt is lower in priority compared to navigation bar cfr Navigation Bar CFR will be shown on the first visit to HomeScreen. Only when it's dismissed, can Microsurvey prompt be available to display from the next visit to Home Screen.
Bug 1906075 Comment 6 Edit History
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Gave UX two solutions that could work for us if NavigationBar CFR remains prioritized over Microsurvey prompt 1. Disable Microsurvey prompt from being shown even in BaseBrowserFragment when NavigationBar CFR hasn’t been shown. 2. Show Microsurvey prompt on the HomeFragment as soon as NavigationBar CFR is dismissed or on the next visit to the HomeFragment Spoke with :emilyw and :channing. Microsurvey prompt is lower in priority compared to navigation bar cfr. We will go with the second solution Navigation Bar CFR will be shown on the first visit to HomeScreen. Only when it's dismissed, can Microsurvey prompt be available to display from the next visit to Home Screen.