(In reply to Martin Giger [:freaktechnik] from comment #8) > If I try to apply the XML you pasted, it points out that it's not valid because of `isCompleteUpdate "true"` instead of `isCompleteUpdate="true"`. > > EDIT: if I correct that the page gets correctly opened. As far as I can tell, the XML mistake was only here on Bugzilla. It's not working with the correct XML on 115.
Bug 1906983 Comment 12 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
(In reply to Martin Giger [:freaktechnik] from comment #8) > If I try to apply the XML you pasted, it points out that it's not valid because of `isCompleteUpdate "true"` instead of `isCompleteUpdate="true"`. > > EDIT: if I correct that the page gets correctly opened. As far as I can tell, the XML mistake was only here on Bugzilla. It's not working even with the correct XML on 115.