Bug 1908873 Comment 4 Edit History

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It seems like there is two things happening here:
- NVDA is reading *both* the content of the tab itself and the tab hover preview, leading to some duplicate speech
- NVDA is treating the opening of the popup element as an alert. This only happens when the popup opens, not when its content is changed (this happens if you roll over tabs without leaving the tab strip). This explains why it only happens intermittently.

The simplest option is to prevent THP from appearing to accessibility tools altogether. This seems natural since all the required information needed to navigate is already contained in the tab itself, this is mostly a visual embellishment. The only thing to note is if we proceeded this way, the domain name and PIDs would be hidden from accessibility tools as well and only the bare tab name would remain. This is identical to what would be heard if THP is disabled.
It seems like there is two things happening here:
- NVDA is reading *both* the content of the tab itself and the tab hover preview, leading to some duplicate speech
- NVDA is treating the opening of the popup element as an alert. This only happens when the popup opens, not when its content is changed (this happens if you roll over tabs without leaving the tab strip). This explains why it only happens intermittently.

The simplest option is to prevent THP from appearing to accessibility tools altogether. This seems natural since all the required information needed to navigate is already contained in the tab itself, this is mostly a visual embellishment. The only thing to note is if we proceeded this way, the domain name and PIDs would be hidden from accessibility tools as well and only the bare tab name would remain. This is identical to what would be heard if THP is disabled. Does anyone have opinions about this?

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