We need to add animation logic for slowly transitioning these sidebar panels opened/closed as we're doing for the sidebar "launcher" element in bug 1898251.
Bug 1908988 Comment 0 Edit History
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We need to add animation logic for slowly transitioning these sidebar panels opened/closed as we're doing for the sidebar "launcher" element in bug 1898251. Figma prototype is [here](https://www.figma.com/proto/ZFavpnAJee39j2mFf8U3D0/Sidebar-UX-Spec?page-id=7459%3A96013&node-id=8433-141400&viewport=1227%2C-5250%2C0.12&t=njsAO8qyj2YTXPse-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=8433%3A141438&show-proto-sidebar=1), and the discussion for performance gotchas for this implementation can be found in [this doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1breHIPJQ4vV7txZz8h6eGo35bSyUqhHlQ1T3bjXqw3U/edit#heading=h.juw17yju1nu2).