We need to add these different menus per the spec [here](https://www.figma.com/design/ZFavpnAJee39j2mFf8U3D0/Sidebar-UX-Spec?node-id=11669-129721&t=kvOUChsarA9vMrZs-0) .
Bug 1910103 Comment 0 Edit History
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Implement the right-click menu per the [spec](https://www.figma.com/design/ZFavpnAJee39j2mFf8U3D0/Sidebar-UX-Spec?node-id=11669-129721&t=kvOUChsarA9vMrZs-0) with these menu items: "Open all in Tabs", "Connect another device" and "Manage another device".